HEDIS Users Group

Every organization implementing HEDIS is strongly encouraged to join NCQA's HEDIS User Group for technical assistance and guidance on interpreting the specifications. Membership benefits include newsletters, discount vouchers and up-to-date technical information, as well as the inside track on measure development. Read more about HEDIS User Group memberships.

Membership Package 1

This membership package includes the full suite of HEDIS volume publications, as well as a release of a single-user, member-exclusive epub copy of HEDIS Volume 2, incorporating all changes from the March Technical Update.  

  1. HUG 2024-2025 Membership Package 1-Electronic
    HUG 2024-2025 Membership Package 1-Electronic

    Starting at $0.00 Regular Price $3,300.00

Membership Package 2

This membership package includes the full suite of HEDIS volume publications and the Health Plan Accreditation publication, as well as a release of a single-user, member-exclusive epub copy of HEDIS Volume 2,incorporating all changes from the March Technical Update.  

  1. HUG 2024-2025 Membership Package 2-Electronic
    HUG 2024-2025 Membership Package 2-Electronic

    Starting at $0.00 Regular Price $3,600.00

Membership Webinar Upgrade

This product, when purchased in addition to either HEDIS Users Group membership, grants access to all HUG webinars in the membership year to an additional user at the purchasing organization.